Work experience student blog

19th February 2024
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Image: Students at Corbett Le Quesne

Name: Chloe, aged 14 joined us at the beginning of the year to gain some work experience. Chloe was too young to accompany anyone to family court but she attended some meetings and was vey helpful and confident and we really enjoyed having her with us. 

Chloe wrote a few words about her experience with us. 

"I am thinking of becoming a family lawyer because I want the help families get the best outcome for them. I was surprised how welcoming and helpful everyone was because even when people were busy with their own work they still made time to talk through stuff with me and tell me stories about their experiences in law. 

During my two weeks at Corbett Le Quesne, I got a look into family law cases and private client cases. In private client Simon introduced me to wills, LPAs and Probate. Anna let me sit in on a meeting with a JEP rep. Sarah always helped me if I needed anything, even if she was busy with her own work. In Family, everyone gave me a warm welcome and showed me interesting cases to inform me of types of family cases I would be part of as a family lawyer. I got to help people with preparation for case files. I also really enjoyed delivering and picking up things to and from family court and the royal court. Although my most memorable time of Corbett Le Quesne was sitting in Samedi Court as it was my first court experience.

Overall my stay at Corbett Le Quesne will be cherished forever due to all the lovely people that work there. Corbett Le Quesne has motivated me to pursue a law career path as I loved my time here."

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