40 free Keylu accounts

19th July 2023
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Corbett Le Quesne is giving away 40 free Keylu accounts between now and the end of September 2023. 

We want to know what message you would upload to Keylu to share with a loved one to read when you have gone?

The first 40 people to e-mail us with their message will receive a free Keylu account for a year. Please email sarah.allchin@corbettlequesne.com with your message and please see the Terms and Conditions below.

So what is a Keylu account and why do you need one? This is what they have to say...

Unlock more time for the good things in life

A Keylu account provides one central, safe and secure place to store and manage all of your important personal, legal and financial information, together with precious photos, videos and memories.

Taking a few simple steps to protect and preserve everything that matters means you can sit back, relax and spend time doing the things you enjoy most.

Life Management, made easy

Life is a whirlwind these days, isn't it? Balancing home, work, and family, while also craving a few peaceful moments for ourselves. With the world moving online, we find ourselves managing everything digitally. That's where Keylu steps in, ready to take the chaos out of organising our digital lives.

Imagine having your very own digital assistant, a lifeplanning tool that surprises you with its brilliance. It's the missing piece you never knew you needed, erasing stress and giving you full control of your expanding digital footprint.

Everything at your fingertips

Keylu provides a secure online space for all your important documents, your legal and financial documentation such as savings accounts, pensions, life insurance and Wills.

Securely encrypted, they’re protected from theft, loss or damage, and can be accessed by you anywhere, at any time and made available to your Trusted Contacts in the future, for constant peace of mind.

Capture your memories

In the fast-paced digital world, our precious photos and videos often get lost amidst the sheer volume. But with Keylu, you can capture and protect every cherished memory in one delightful place. It's not just about official documents, it's about preserving your personal precious moments too.

From heartfelt messages to unforgettable photos, Keylu keeps your treasured memories safe for you now and for your loved ones in the future. No more losing those irreplaceable moments. Let Keylu be your ally as you create new and magical memories that will last forever.

Why do we work with Keylu?

We see the problems that occur when people cannot locate assets when a loved one dies despite a Will being in place, that is why we offer a complimentary Keylu account to anyone that makes a Will with us. It is estimated that up to £70 billion of financial assets are floating around unclaimed in the UK alone. Almost half of UK adults say they would not know how or where to find the details of a loved one's assets in the event of their death. Sharing your financial details while you are still alive though may be something you are very reluctant to do. With a Keylu account, no one but you has access to this information until such a time as a death certificate is obtained and unless you specifically grant them access. This access can also be limited to certain information. While you are alive, you can use Keylu to safely store important information for your own benefit, such as your Wills, insurance policies and Lasting Powers of Attorney. In addition you can leave messages or videos for people to access when you die. Keylu was established when the founder lost a parent and had to cope with the complicated administration on top of dealing with his grief. He wanted to make this process much easier for people in the same situation. When we draft Wills for people we offer to set up a Keylu account for people as part of the service.

Offer Terms and Conditions:

1. Corbett Le Quesne will require some basic information in order to set the account up for you. You will then receive information directly from Keylu so you can activate your account. In order to take advantage of the free account for the year you must activate it before 31 October 2023. 

2. The voucher is transferrable.

3. After twelve months you can decide if you want to keep the account and pay Keylu's annual fee.

4. Corbett Le Quesne is not responsible for any additional fees or costs associated with any Keylu accounts set up as a result of this offer. 

5. We reserve the right to use an anonymous version of your message for promotional purposes.

6. We will not share your personal details with anyone other than Keylu. 

7. There is no cash alternative.


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